InMind Support
International Interdisciplinary Conference
23-24 February 2023
Postmemory and the Contemporary World
23-24 February 2023
THURSDAY, 23 February 2023
12.00 PM – 3.00 PM: Session I
Chair: Wojciech Owczarski (University of Gdansk, Poland)
Camilo Villanueva (Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Japan; Murray State University, USA)
Explorations of Postmemory in the Fiction of Abe Kōbō
Christina Howes (Autonomous University of Barcelona; International University of Catalunya, Spain)
“All Hell Let Loose on the Post-War Homefront”: Postmemorial Engagement of Returning Combatants of World War II
Iordache Alexandru (Valahia University in Târgoviște, Romania)
Anti-Jewish Legionnaire Pogrom: Postmemory and Trauma
Bushra Juhi Jani (Al-Nahrain University, Iraq)
Postmemory and Exile: Samir Naqqash’s Life and Work and the Culture of an Ancient Iraqi Jewish Minority
Katalin Szlukovényi (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
Postmemory Twice: Poetic and Narrative Transformation in George Szirtes’s Biographies of His Mother
Weronika Ciałowicz (Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland)
Postmemory in Rejwach by Mikołaj Grynberg
3.00 PM – 4.00 PM: BREAK
4.00 PM – 6.30 PM: Session II
Chair: to be confirmed
Artemis Papailia (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)
The Depiction of Postmemory in Holocaust Graphic Novel Maus by Art Spiegelman
Gangothri T S (The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India)
Historicizing Memory and Refugeehood: A Study of Vietnam Refugee Crisis in the Select Graphic Memoirs
Pavlina Radia (Nipissing University, Canada)
Reframing Memorialization: Postmemory’s Alternative Topographies in Shalom Auslander’s Hope: A Tragedy and Alissa Torres’s The American Widow
Jennifer Estévez Yanes (University of La Laguna, Spain)
"Connective Histories" from Elsewhere: Postmemory Generation in David Chariandy's Soucouyant
Gianna Brahović (University of Split, Croatia)
Postmemory in Science Fiction: Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451
6.30 PM – 7.30 PM: BREAK
7.30 PM – 10.00 PM: Session III
Chair: to be confirmed
Maya Gal (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Questioning the Role of Postmemory and Physical Artifacts in Holocaust Remembrance
Josalyn Isbell (Independent Scholar, USA)
Selling Semper-Fi: How the Commoditized Military Experience Distorts Individual and Collective Memory
Vivienne Tailor (Independent Scholar, USA)
Silenced Witnesses Who are Unable to Testify: Yu Hua’s The Past and the Punishments and Borges’ The Garden of Forking Paths
Raphaela Pavlakos (McMaster University, Canada)
Critical Dispositioning and Postmemory: “Reading” the Credit River as an Alternative Non-Textual Archive
Christopher Hubbard (Independent Scholar, USA)
Postmemory’s Function in Speculative Design: An Interrelational Perspective
FRIDAY, 24 February 2023
12.00 PM – 3.00 PM: Session IV:
Chair: to be confirmed
Elizabeth Kontz Gabriele (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Story vs. Narrative in Communicating the Enormity and Reality of the Rwandan Genocide: A Comparative Analysis of Postmemory in Our Lady of the Nile and Little Red Car at the Gusaba
Shubhra Bajaj (IKG Punjab Technical University in Punjab, India)
Examining the Inheritance of Trauma and Identity in the Context of Caste in India
Pavithra E (Vellore Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, India)
Postmemory in Tinai Society
Elena Ogliari (University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy)
Dialogic Memories to Promote Mutual Understanding in Joseph O’Connor’s Redemption Falls and Colum McCann’s TransAtlantic
Sruthy S (Independent Researcher, India)
Memory, Post-Memory and Prosthetic Memory of Indian Independence: An Analysis Through the Movie Viceroy’s House
Sowmiya Rajmohan (Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India)
"We are well aware of all your terror acts against us": Anitha Pandiyan the Post-Generation
3.00 PM – 4.00 PM: BREAK
4.00 PM – 6.30 PM: Session V
Chair: to be confirmed
Maria G. Moschou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)
Exhibition Design and Postmemory in Greece: Reflections on the “Asia Minor Hellenism: Heyday-Catastrophe-Displacement-Rebirth” Exhibition at the Benaki Museum (2022-2023)
Madeleine Bazil (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Family, Archive, and the Posttraumatic Imaginary: An Analysis of the Role of Archival Material in the Personal Documentaries Stories We Tell, Imam and I, and Grandpa Ernest Speaks
Frederico Dinis (CEIS20 – Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Intermediate Forms of Postmemory Representation and the Construction of Re-Significations in Audio-Visual Performances
Malwina Lirka (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
Queer Post-Memory Artistic Practices of Central and Eastern Europe on the Example of Karol Radziewski’s Queer Archive Institute
Sonali Sahoo (Centre of Language Studies, IPP Savani University, Dhamdod, India)
Debunking Superstition Through Installation Art: Memory as an Enabler
6.30 PM – 7.30 PM: BREAK
7.30 PM – 10.00 PM: Session VI
Chair: to be confirmed
Mohammed Agzar (Ibn Zohr University, Morocco)
From Caliphs to Sultans: Islam, the State, and Political Utopia
Laura Senio Blair (Southwestern University, USA)
Unlocking the Door to Shadow and Substance: Nona Fernández’s La Dimensión Desconocida
Laura Blázquez Cruz (University of Jaén, Spain)
Postmemory Through Spatial Setting and Mourning in They (1904) by Rudyard Kipling
Ewa Promińska (Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk, Poland)
Social Non-Acceptance in Olga Slavnikova's Novel The Light Head
Agnieszka Jagła (University of Lodz, Poland)
“Everything is imprinted for ever with what it once was”: (Re)Membering the World in The Stone Gods by Jeanette Winterson
10.00 PM – Conference Closing